Why Choose Us?

Acordia provides business owners and key executives with easy access to quality consultancy services and the benefits of being part of a business peer group.

...Our mission is 'to help business owners and other leaders excel'

We focus on empowering you to see exactly what you can deliver for everyone and everything that is important in your life.

We have carved our niche helping those business owners who want to use smart strategies to accelerate their success. We want you to adopt a new way of thinking about the work you do, and how you do it to achieve much more.

Also, we want you to meet, and learn from others who have already stepped it up, and who not only have a new vision for success, but know what they need to do to achieve it.

'I genuinely learn so much and feel so inspired after each meeting!!'

Helen Kee

"Direct approach, cuts to the point. I really appreciate the direct and simple style"


About Us

Dr Gerard Prior


Acordia peer groups are designed around a variety of online activities giving participants opportunities to engage positively and gain a range of benefits including;- Building strong supportive relationships- Exchanging relevant knowledge and insights- Problem solving and innovation- Developing synergistic and collaborative partnerships- Overcoming isolation, especially during Covid-19

Acordia is highly sensitive to the psychological cost of being an entrepreneur, especially during this Covid-19 era, so we continue to nurture a supportive culture to help our members continue in their businesses. Overall, it is our aim to help you transform your business to achieve faster, stronger results! Click Here and request an invition to our next online access session.